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But if you are a DIY geek, you can grow wheatgrass at home with some simple steps. We will all discuss them in our elucidations. Also, you can check what is the best wheatgrass juicer to know more in detail. The best way to juice wheatgrass is using a masticating juicer, and there are plenty of juicers designed just for wheatgrass.

On top of that, making sure the soil is wet enough every day and remembering when to put on and take off a humidity cover gets away from me. Wheatgrass is an amazing superfood to include in your diet. Though it can be purchased from health food stores and juice bars, growing your own wheatgrass at home is simple and quick to do. Growing your own wheatgrass at home is also another way to ensure that you are getting the freshest and highest quality wheatgrass. The process of growing wheatgrass at home is simple and fast. You just have to buy some dry wheat seeds from the market or wherever you could find them.
Growing Wheatgrass
Remove your germinated seeds from their last soak and sprinkle them lightly in you prefixed pan. Distribute them evenly so they are not bunched up together but are still side by side. Continue to water daily, gently to avoid damaging young grass. Avoid overwatering to the point puddles form.

Collect some good wheat seeds from the grocery store or your local farmers. Make sure the wheat seeds are in good condition. Some of the seeds start decaying due to bacterial infestation. They are termed superfoods because of their ability to prevent various harmful maladies.
Step 8: Planting the Seeds
Pour soil in a growing tray about 2 inches deep. Keep seedlings in a bright location for greenest sprouts but avoid burning hot midday rays of sun. There is very little to the care of wheatgrass except watering, as it is harvested and used quickly and the goal is not a long term plant. Water it lightly twice a day using a misting bottle.
The Happy Juicer says to place your tray of wheatgrass in a position where the wheatgrass will receive a good amount of indirect sunlight. Due to the deficiency of light, water, and proper nutrients in the soil, the growth time can be decreased. Usually, wheatgrass grown with soil grows more quickly due to the nutrients present in the soil. A jar of water and adequate sunlight is enough to grow wheatgrass. Gigantic steps are not necessary to grow wheatgrass at home.
Once you can grow wheatgrass, you can grow anything!
After the 3 days, uncover the wheatgrass and you will see little sprouts beginning to grow! Place the tray in a sunny window and mist the sproutlings with the spray bottle several times per day for 3 days. After 3 days, maintain moisture and growth with regular waterings - making sure to pour out any standing water. Take around grams of wheatgrass seeds and rinse them to remove any dust. Now soak the seeds in water & let them sit overnight (8-12 hours). The following day, drain the water & let the seeds sprout in a jar at a 45-degree angle or in a muslin cloth for another 12 hours.

"Live" Enzymes - Enzymes carry out many bodily functions, but many become deactivated when cooked. And that's why it's essential to have live, raw plant-based foods in your diet. Lay paper towels on the bottom of the gardening tray to make sure that the roots do not go through the bottom.
It is better to blend it before consuming it. Cut your growing mat to fit perfectly inside the growing tray. Moisten the mat as the instructions specific to your product indicate.
Evenly distribute rinsed seeds onto a moist soil surface. Health experts advise that you should drink wheatgrass juice after waking up, particularly on an empty stomach. You can then have your breakfast 20 minutes after drinking the wheatgrass juice. Add water to the chopped wheatgrass and pulverize in a food processor or high-powered blender for at least 1 minute. Quality - It is recommended for one to buy wheatgrass while fresh to obtain a nutrient-dense meal.
This, as a result, helps to reduce the possibility of buying low-quality or damaged wheatgrass seeds. Wheatgrass is defined as the first leaves that have been freshly sprouted from the common wheat plant . Wheatgrass can be used to make wheatgrass juice, dietary supplements, or food in liquid, powder, capsule, or tablet forms. When you grow wheatgrass from seeds, it first becomes wheat sprouts, then, as you allow them to grow, they become wheatgrass. Sprouted wheat seeds can be consumed whole by adding to salads, soups, etc. Wheatgrass is usually juiced and consumed as shots or added to other drinks .

Now take a tray with drainage holes and place it in another tray without holes. Fill it smoothly and evenly with organic cocopeat mix. Many other anti-cancer compounds like abscisic acid & laetrile are also found in it. Most of our body’s cells are re-energized during sleep.
Like most plants, wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Health benefits and claims of wheatgrass range from supplemental nutrition to having unique curative properties. It is important to note that none of these health claims have been scientifically proven. If wheatgrass is to be harvested more than once, it should certainly be grown in potting medium.
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